My Knitter's Grotto

My Knitter's Grotto
My Knitter's Grotto & Stash

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So, after 45+ years of knitting and crocheting, I've decided to spend some time recording my productivity for 2011. Ever since I quit the corporate world in 2005, I've spent a great deal of my newly freed time teaching knitting, reading about knitting, working in yarn shops, editing patterns, sample knitting, buying yarn, and just plain knitting, knitting, knitting. It's been great, but I really don't have a handle on how many projects I actually complete in a year. So... here goes!

Actually, I'm starting with October, 2010 and recording activities through October 2011.  Stitches East was held in October for 2010, and will be held next October, so I'm treating this period like the "school year"!

Since my first post is in March, I have quite a bit of catching up to do, including all those projects I completed for the past holiday season.
My Stash of Projects in Waiting

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