My Knitter's Grotto

My Knitter's Grotto
My Knitter's Grotto & Stash

Monday, June 6, 2016

March - May 2016 Completed Projects

I'm working on so many projects at one time, I haven't actually completed many; just these two.

Marty's Reliable Bicycle Hat

Marty's Reliable Hat - Yarn is Spud & Chloe Sweater yarn, purchased at Trillium Yarns in Morristown NJ. The pattern is from Ravelry (Karen Clark). Purchased both during the 2016 NJ Wool Walk. Have enough yarn to make a second one in the reverse color scheme.

Florid Shawl
Florid shawl - Yarn is Neighborhood Fiber Co. Gradient Rustic Fingering (Shades of Aqua), and pattern is from Ravelry (Fatimah Hinds). Purchased the yarn at The NYS Sheep and Wool Festival in October 2015 (AKA Rhinebeck), when I saw the sample at the Neighborhood Fiber Co booth. A very addicting pattern. Dropped everything else to complete this one! (The picture was taken at the Neighborhood Fiber Co store in Baltimore MD! Stopped by on our way home from the DC area.)